European Association of Model Railroaders and Railroad Friends

 Welcome to the 71st MOROP Congress in Nice – France




Sunday 25/08/2024 Arrival in the evening


Monday 26/08/2024 TC


Tuesday 27/08/2024 TC and opening of the congress


Wednesday 28/08/2024


Visit of a Perfumery in Grasse

Lunch at noon

Visit of Gourdon, a Provençal village perched on a rocky outcrop

Panoramic view from Nice to St-Tropez, Corsica in good weather

Excursion in a vintage coach


Thursday 29/08/2024 Provence Railways


Friday 30/08/2024 Monaco and gala dinner


Saturday 31/08/2024 Special train Roya Valley and Tende Pass


Sunday 01/09/2024 Departure in the morning